- TAckling the Underspecified
- TAngible COMputing Architectures
- TO Simulate and CAlibrate stochastic models
- TOkamaks and NUmerical Simulations
- Technologie des langages de programmation pour les services de communication
- Technology and knowledge for interaction
- The ReDICE Consortium
- Theoretical adverse computations, and safety
- Theory and Practice of Nanoscale Computing Engines
- Theory and Practice of Synchronous Reactive Systems
- Theory, Algorithms and Systems for Constraints
- Threat Analysis and Mitigation for Information Security
- Tim, Events and Architectures
- Tools and models of nonlinear control theory for epidemiology and immunology
- Tools for Electronic Documents, Research and applications
- Tools of automatic control for scientific computing, Models and Methods in Biomathematics
- Topology-Aware System-Scale Data Management for High-Performance Computing
- Traitement optimal de l'information avec des dispositifs quantiques
- Transformations et outils informatiques pour le calcul scientifique
- Types and Reasoning for the Web
- Types, Logic and computing
- Télédetection et IA embarqués pour le ”New Space”
- the World Is Distributed Exploring the tension between scale and coordination