Some objections to the metalinguistic theory of proper names
Kleiber (1981) brilliantly defended a semantic theory of proper names according to which a proper name N is the abbreviation of the denominative predicate ‘being called /N/ (x)’. He refused to call his theory metalinguistic because he thought that the denominative predicate “being called /N/ (x)” is not metalinguistic; rather, he argued that it is mundane. However, we can call Kleiber’s theory metalinguistic in another sense, because in this theory the signifier of a proper name is part of the meaning of the proper name itself. In this paper, we evaluate Kleiber’s semantic theory of proper names.
Aldo Frigerio soulève le problème de la traduction des noms propres du type London – Londres et du changement de sens que devrait entraîner le changement de signifié présent dans le prédicat de dénomination, ce qui invaliderait la théorie de Kleiber de 1981.
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