, Foucault's great theses on power [?] develop under three headings: power is not essentially repressive (since it "incites, it induces, it seduces"); it is practised before it is possessed (since it is possessed only in a determinable form, that of class, and a determined form, that of State); it passes through the hands of the mastered no less than through the hands of the masters (since it passes through every related force). A profound Nietzscheanism, vol.71

, And the lowest degree of the power (puissance), it is the power (pouvoir). I mean, what is malice? Malice consists in preventing someone from doing what he can, malice consists in preventing someone from doing, from e ectuating his power (puissance). erefore, there is no bad power (puissance), there are malicious powers (pouvoirs). Perhaps Mais, précisément, l' essence de la littérature, c' est d' échapper à toute détermination essentielle, à toute a rmation qui la stabilise ou même la réalise, p.18

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