Inter-girdle coordination while locomotion under constraints
S33 nificance of kinematic data between patients and normal subjects, and between the two tasks (STW and GI) was compared using nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test. The probability level was set at p < 0.05. Results: In STW, the decrease of forward velocity at the center of gravity during the first step was significantly larger in patients than in normal subjects (p < 0.01). Comparing the first step of STW to that of GI, the increase of the step length and the posterior component of the floor reaction force were larger in normal subjects than those in patients (p < 0.01). The large posterior floor reaction force was found just after seat-off in patients. Discussion and conclusion: These results indicate the fact that the normal subjects merged two tasks during movement and showed larger posterior floor reaction force to control residual forward velocity at the first step. On the other hand, the largest posterior floor reaction force was found just after seat-off in patients. This difference showed the difficulty to take large burden of the first step by the affected limb for patients. This might be one of the reasons why patients cannot start walking smoothly from sitting position. Disclosure: No significant relationships. References [1] Malouin F. A fluidity scale for evaluating the motor strategy of the rise-to-walk task after stroke.