Effect of organic amendments based on date palm residues on barley crop (Hordeum vulgare L.) in oasian environment: case of Oued Righ region, Algeria
In order to improve the soils agronomic suitability of region’s palm groves and increase
yields, a trial is been conducted in the experimental station of the National Institute of Agronomic
Research of Algeria (INRAA) of Sidi Mehdi Touggourt. The trial examines the effect
of three organic amendments (compost, biochar and compost and biochar with fertilizer) and
one chemical amendment using fertilizers on some growth and yield parameters of barley crop.
By applying a randomized experimental design with three repetitions, several observations were
illustrated. For all studied parameters (number of tillers per plant, plant height, yield and plot
production), the biochar – fertilizer treatment ranks first compared to the other treatments. In
terms of yields, it exceeds 84 qx/ha followed by fertilizer treatment (62.70 qx/ha). The compost
amendment gave a yield of 36.81 qx/ha. The biochar – compost treatment and the control
(culture without amendment) are the last with yields of 24.97 qx/ha and 19.69 qx/ha respectively.
The statistical study revealed significant to very highly significant differences between
treatments depending on the parameters.